Mission and Essence of Reciprocity

Mission and Essence of Reciprocity

Reciprocity was created to empower you by projecting and attracting positive vibes into your life. We all know that being positive is always the best way to live, however, with the pressures and demands of our daily routine, it sometimes gets tougher and tougher to calm our anxious heart. Reciprocity will keep you pumped and motivated by declaring and projecting to the Universe that you are ready to tackle any challenge, and strong enough to be Unbreakable during every trial.

I created Reciprocity because the power of our thoughts and words has always been incredibly astonishing to me, especially after I came across a scientific study done my Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist and international researcher. According to Dr. Emoto, our thoughts and words have a powerful effect on the molecular structure of water. His very famous rice experiment illustrates how our words and energy affect the fermentation of rice in water. You can try the experiment at home, the results will amaze you.

In his experiment, Dr. Emoto presents 3 identical glass containers with rice and water. He labels one LOVE, the second one HATE, and the third one he places no label, and this one he ignores. Every day, morning and night, over a one month period, he would stand in front of each container and recite the corresponding word on each label. The one with no label, got no attention whatsoever. After one month, the LOVE container began to ferment and release a pleasant aroma, whereas the HATE and the ignored containers turned black, moldy and rotten.

Since our body is composed of an average of 65% water, in some cases more, Dr. Masaru Emoto demonstrates how much our own words and thoughts impact ourselves and others. If our words and energy can have that effect on water, imagine how much our own words can impact our life and the people around us.

At Reciprocity, you will find words of HOPE, FAITH and STRENGTH. Wearing and projecting these positive declarations will attract countless blessings into your life. They will empower your soul and spirit. Be ready to project positive affirmations and begin transformation!


Project * Attract * Transform

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